跟「遠」無關,「as far as」當連接詞的常見搭配用法 - 空中美語部落格

跟「遠」無關,「as far as」當連接詞的常見搭配用法


as far as 當連接詞時的常見搭配用法,用以表「觀點、立場」

as far as 當連接詞時,後面可搭配固定用法形成以下幾個常見片語:
① as far as sb is/are concerned  就(某人)看來;就(某人)而言
As far as I'm concerned, Lisa is the best choice for the job.
As far as Bruce is concerned, we can always count on him to be on time.
‼ 其他同樣可以用來表達個人觀點和立場的說法還有 in my opinion、in my view、personally
In my opinion, this restaurant has the best hamburgers in town.
Personally, I think you should apologize to your sister.

② as far as sth is/are concerned  就(某事)而言

As far as public buses are concerned, most stop running at about 11 p.m.

③  as far as I know  就我所知

As far as I know, Marlene is still out of the office on vacation.

 as far as I can tell/see/remember  就我所理解/看見/記得

As far as I can remember, the library opens at 8:30 a.m. on most days.

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