【代名詞】不定代名詞:one/ another/other/the other的用法 - 空中美語部落格

【代名詞】不定代名詞:one/ another/other/the other的用法


不定代名詞 one/another/other/others/the other 用法大統整

one  指某個不特定的人或物

May wanted a cup of coffee, so she bought one at 7-Eleven.
May 想要一杯咖啡,於是在 7-11 買了一杯。

another  指未限制範圍的「任何另外一個」

I finished eating my sandwich, but I'm still hungry. Can I have another?

other  未限制範圍,意為「任何其他的…」

*other + Ns
Gary has many friends from other countries, and they teach him a lot.
Gary 有許多來自其他國家的朋友,他們教會他許多事情。

others  未限制範圍,意為「任何其他的人或物」

I don't think others like me very much. Nobody talks to me.

the other 指「兩者中的另一個」

I have two sisters. One is younger than me, and the other is older.

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