迫於無奈的選擇,英文說法為「have no choice but to do sth」 - 空中美語部落格

迫於無奈的選擇,英文說法為「have no choice but to do sth」


英文片語介紹: have no/ little choice but to do sth  (別無選擇)只能…

生活中難免會遇到一些很無奈、甚至別無選擇的窘況,這時英文說法很直白可以這樣說👉「have no/little choice but to do sth」,中文意思就是「別無選擇 / 只能…」,來看例句怎麼用:

📌 have no/little choice but to do sth  (別無選擇)只好…

You have little choice but to rewrite the report by Friday.
Since the man had broken the law in front of him, the police officer had no choice but to give him a fine. 
