(Picture from freepik.com-jannoon028)
** My sister's husband, George, will be coming to dinner with her.
** Eve made the decision that she will move to Canada next year.
(句中名詞子句 that she will move to Canada next year 為 the decision 的同位語。)
(句中名詞子句 that she will move to Canada next year 為 the decision 的同位語。)
** Famous author J.K. Rowling first came up with the idea for Harry Potter in 1990, when she was traveling on a train.
(句中J.K. Rowling 為 famous author 的同位語,若拿掉的話就不確定究竟指的是哪一個名作家。)
名作家 J•K‧羅琳最初是在1990年搭火車途中構思出《哈利波特》的。
💡上一句中,名詞子句 when she was traveling on a train 用於補充說明前面「1990」的年份資訊,為非限定性同位語,故需要加上逗號。
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