平衡區域發展 荷蘭宣布正名「the Netherlands」 - 空中美語部落格

平衡區域發展 荷蘭宣布正名「the Netherlands」


(Image From:flickr_R Boed)



The government of the Netherlands will no longer call itself “Holland.” 


That name is actually a nickname for the Netherlands.


In fact, Holland is a region that is the center of the nation’s economy. 


People around the world know the Netherlands as “Holland” because that region is so famous. 


Therefore, the Dutch government also used the name “Holland” in international events.


However, they stopped this practice in January 2020. They think it’s essential for everyone to know the real name of the Netherlands. 

然而,該國於 2020 年 1 月份終止了此項慣例,他們認為讓所有人知道該國真實名稱是必要的。

The government asked all domestic schools, companies, and ministries to refer to the country by its official name. This will help Dutch people promote other parts of the country.


With this change, other regions can get equal consideration6 for tourism and business.
