善變的你必學這句片語:「change one’s mind 」 - 空中美語部落格

善變的你必學這句片語:「change one’s mind 」


change one's mind (about sth) 改變(對…的)心意

你是個善變的人嗎?上一秒的決定,下一秒就變?英文可以用「change one's mind (about sth) 」表達「改變(對某事的)心意」,來看例句:

📌 change one's mind (about sth)  改變(對…的)心意

Sandy wanted to go out, but she changed her mind and stayed home.
= Sandy changed her mind about going out and stayed home.
Sandy 原本想出門,但她改變了心意然後待在家裡。



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