TOEIC多益專欄:文法教學 一... 就… - 空中美語部落格

TOEIC多益專欄:文法教學「一... 就…」



這週要來學習「一... 就...」的用法



________ the box, she realized some of the eggs had broken.

(A) The instant opening

(B) No sooner had she opened

(C) The moment she opens

(D) Upon opening



As soon as S+V, S+V.

也可以用 The moment / instant / minute + S+V, S+V. 代替


💬 As soon as I opened my umbrella, the rain stopped and the sun came out.



▼前後主詞相同時,帶有連接詞的子句也可以改為 upon/on + Ving 的句型

💬 Upon getting his pay, David started planning a trip to Japan.

(David 才剛拿到他的薪水,就開始計畫要去日本玩了。)


💡題目的答案是 (D) Upon opening,你答對了嗎?

(A) 的答案應改成 The instant she opened

(B) 的答案, No sooner had she opened 後面的句子開頭要加上 than ...

(C) 的答案應改成過去式 The moment she opened ...


👇 快來發摟台南粉專 英文學習不間斷!


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