忙碌的英文不只 busy ,教你 2 個英文片語表達「從早忙到晚」 - 空中美語部落格

忙碌的英文不只 busy ,教你 2 個英文片語表達「從早忙到晚」



表達夜以繼日的英文片語:round the clock / day and night

你每天都忙碌於工作或學習嗎?英文除了可以用單字 busy 表達「忙碌」外,教大家兩個表達「從早忙到晚;日夜不停;夜以繼日」的片語,以下:

📌 day and night  

The new parents are very tired because they have to care for their baby day and night.

📌 round the clock 

Ryan works round the clock every day in order to support his large family.

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