(Picture from freepik.com-katemangostar)
當你想要表達兩件事情的「關聯性」時,除了直觀一點的使用單字如:connect、relate等,也可以用片語說法👉「A have (something) to do with B」,而反之要表達「無關」則將something換成表否定的nothing即可!來看例句:
📌 A have (sth) to do with B (phr.) A 和 B 有關
Ben's bright red shirt has (something) to do with his favorite soccer team.
Ben 那件亮紅色的上衣和他最喜歡的足球隊有關。
📌 A have nothing to do with B (phr.) A 和 B 無關
This movie has nothing to do with that book. They're different stories.
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