面對他人不切實際的提議時,可以用 That’s easy for you to say. 回應! - 空中美語部落格

面對他人不切實際的提議時,可以用 That’s easy for you to say. 回應!


好用的短語「That’s easy for you to say.」

今天要介紹一句好用的短語「That’s easy for you to say.」意思為「你說得倒簡單。」用來表達他人所提出的建議、觀點或看法不切實際,或對當事人而言難以達成,以下例句:

📌 That’s easy for you to say. 你說得簡單。

Aiden: Just tell your boss you need more time to finish the project.
Katie: That's easy for you to say. My boss will kill me if I say that.

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