「彼此、互相」的兩種英文說法: each other、one another - 空中美語部落格

「彼此、互相」的兩種英文說法: each other、one another


each other 彼此;雙方(可與 one another 互相替換)

你的身旁有能讓你不分彼此,互相分享祕密的好朋友、好閨蜜嗎?英文可以用「each other」或「one another」來表示「彼此;雙方」,兩個片語可以替換使用,看例句:

📌 each other 彼此;互相(可與 one another 互相替換。)

Mom always tells us to be nice to each other/one another.

📌each other 及 one another 僅作受詞用,皆不可作為句中的主詞。

 (X) Those girls are best friends and each other/one another share their secrets.
Those girls are best friends and they share their secrets with each other/one another

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